Learn more about the paths & processes of the residency

Navigate through the nested list of items to see the different paths and processes of the Residency program.

  • Base Camp Trail

    Base Camp Trail is a 10-week Journey and the first development series in the Redemption Hill Leadership Journey. It’s suitable for all interested participants.

  • 2-2-2 Ascent

    2-2-2 Ascent is a 16-week commitment for those desiring a deeper dive into disciple-making principles. Participants must complete an application and have completed Base Camp Trail in order to qualify for this level of the Residency.

  • Section 3-1

    During this 22-week development series, participants will continue building their disciple-making knowledge and skills as well as investigating principles of developing a disciple-making culture in a ministry setting.

    Completion of Base Camp Trail and 2-2-2 Ascent is a prerequisite. Section 3-1 is available by invitation only, and a more robust application process is required.

  • 28:19 GO

    28:19 GO is specifically designed for those feeling called into full-time ministry leadership. This is the pathway for church planters, full-time vocational ministers, and missionaries. This section of the program requires a lengthy application process with multiple interviews, assessments, and travel.


Find answers to your questions here

Have a question that this list didn’t answer? You can get in touch by clicking or tapping below to learn more.

  • Who can be a part of this Residency?

    Any adult age 18 and up currently attending Redemption Hill Church seeking to grow as a leader or a disciple-maker should pray about taking this journey.

  • What’s the time commitment?

    As with any developmental tool, it will take a commitment of time and energy to get the most out of the process. Each Trail will have its own unique demands. Participants can expect to spend anywhere from one to four hours per week on assignments, and 10 weeks or more on any section.

  • How much does this program cost?

    The training is free. The currency you invest is the time spent preparing for and participating in lessons, the effort you spend completing all assignments, and the fellowship you share with fellow travelers as you grow together.

  • Can I start and stop at any time?

    This Journey is based upon a semester system and will begin and end based upon a fall/spring schedule. We ask for a minimum one-semester commitment at a time. Those who start the training, but aren’t able to complete it, will be offered another opportunity to complete the training at the next time of offering.

  • Outside of meeting times, am I alone in this process?

    The Redemption Hill Church Trail Guide Team will walk with you through this Journey. The Trail Guide Team will act as Coaches, Guides, and Encouragers through regular Gear Check-Ups and specifically at Overlooks designed to evaluate personal progress along every trail.

  • How can I get started?

    Registration for Base Camp Trail opens every August, and it’s free and easy to register online or through our app.  Each following section of the Redemption Hill Church Leadership Journey will require an application process online or via the Redemption Hill app.